HadCET Graph of temperature differences from Central England - follow link for text data

News From The Planet Spring 2021

Central England temperature differences from 1961-1990

Celebrate today, now the blossoms are finally here!

After the arctic weather pushed southerly from the warming

North Pole, the sun has finally emerged.


Artic Sea Ice extent graph 2021 - follow link for more information

Arctic Sea Ice Levels 2021

Remember this day, now Spring is here!

After an ever warming Arctic winter, the expanse of spring sea ice

is desperately low, no longer normal.


Antarctic Sea Ice Levels 2021 graph - follow link for more information

Antarctic Sea Ice Levels

Remember that today, as Spring has sprung, much of the Antarctic sea ice

is still here and growing. Now the glacier lost to the sea has broken up,

sea rising is inevitable, but a land strike has been averted.


Global temperature rise graph - follow link for more information

Global Temperature Rise since 1980

Remember that today, our planet is over 1 degrees

warmer than it should be.

How will it change this awakening spring?

We are witness to this moment.

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